Teniola Fatunmbi

Teniola Fatunmbi

Teniola is a full stack software engineer building consumer-focused products at this point in his career. As a writer, his content writing ability cuts across low-code tech, software engineering, and everything in-between.

35 Real Estate Website Examples for Inspiration in 2023

27 Min Read

In this technological age, the first place people look for information is here, on the internet. That will not change, so real estate agents and businesses have found it necessary to showcase their properties and services online, establishing their brand in the process. Are you also looking to follow suit? You should if you work in real estate as an…

AI Business Ideas

5 Profitable AI Business Ideas to Capitalize on the AI Hype

15 Min Read

Everyone is looking for a cutting-edge AI business idea to capitalize on the Artificial Intelligence wave. Understandably so. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a hype anymore, it has come to change the work industry. Sooner or later, the early adopters will have an edge over their competition. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that is opening new doors and…

Website Content Planning

7-Step Website Content Planning for Guaranteed Success

18 Min Read

If the different sections of your website do not represent your business’s image coherently, it gives a wrong impression. As a result, website content planning is crucial for the success of any venture that runs on the Internet. But what is a website content plan?  A website content plan is a strategy that guides the development and content publishing efforts….

AI for Small Business

AI for Small Businesses: 19 Ways to Scale Up Using Artificial Intelligence

14 Min Read

 No doubt, the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in different industries has been exponential in the last two decades. From software development to marketing to content creation, the potential of Artificial Intelligence is rapidly unfolding. Similarly, AI for small businesses surfaced on the scene. In contrast to conventional methods, AI-powered technology can analyze large amounts of data and churn…

No Code Website Builders

Top 18 No-Code Website Builders to Create Your Dream Website

24 Min Read

Most businesses have always wanted to do without the technicalities that come with owning a website. They just want to ideate, create, experiment, and ship. Interestingly, no-code website builders have been answering to that in the last decade.  No-code technologies help businesses bring their ideas to life without spending so much on acquiring a developer or team of developers; no…

WordPress SEO Without Plugins

WordPress SEO Without Plugins: The 11 Essential Tasks You Can Do Manually

19 Min Read

The SEO friendliness of a website determines its ranking on search engines. Considering how complex optimizing WordPress websites can be and how important it is, most people don’t think of SEO optimization in WordPress without a plugin. Understandably so. However, plugins can add weight to your code and conflict with other plugins. That’s why some people prefer using as few…

Make Fewer HTTP Requests

9 Tips to Make Fewer HTTP Requests on WordPress

18 Min Read

You noticed that your website is slow, and you decided to figure out why with a speed testing tool, for example, Pingdom. Part of the diagnosis is “make fewer HTTP requests” and it is regarded as critical. How do you make fewer HTTP requests and boost your website speed? This article will address the most critical questions in making fewer…

Best WordPress Caching Plugin

Find the Best WordPress Caching Plugin with Our Top 5 Picks

13 Min Read

Caching is a popularly recommended technique for optimizing WordPress website performance. It increases website traffic and conversion rates by speeding up the website and page load times. But… How does caching work? Caching is a mechanism for storing requested information (static files for websites) in a temporary storage location (a cache) for faster access. Here’s how it works practically: Visitor…

why wordpress is slow

Why is WordPress so Slow? 7 Reasons Why and How to Fix Them

28 Min Read

The page speed of any website largely determines the success of its purpose. If websites are a critical source of web presence, and WordPress websites constitute the majority of websites on the internet, then why is WordPress so slow? When you grow your website with more content and your site engagements increase, you will end up with that question. Truthfully,…

How To Optimize a WordPress Website for Mobile Devices?

18 Min Read

54.4% of all internet traffic on the planet was generated by mobile devices in 2021. DataReportal reported that 55.4% of internet users made online purchases using their mobile devices in the same year. To top it off, 73.1% of web designers discovered that mobile optimization or responsive design is the main reason why visitors switch to another website. These figures…