Tigran Nazaryan

Tigran Nazaryan

Tigran Nazaryan is an experienced science and technology professional. After seeing great potential in the automation of web development, he co-founded and became CEO of 10Web. Tigran is passionate about creating solutions to bring AI automation into web development and turning great ideas into powerful technological achievements.
DIY Website Builders

17 Easy-to-Use DIY Website Builders That Require Almost No Effort

23 Min Read

In today’s digital age, a strong web presence is essential for any business that wants to stand out and thrive. One way to establish a strong web presence is through a website, a collection of interlinked web pages hosted on a web server and accessible over the internet. A website can help businesses generate leads,  reach broader audiences, offer self-services, …

How to Create a Website For Your Small Business

How to Create a Website for Your Small Business Fast With AI?

21 Min Read

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably asked yourself how to create a website for your business to give it the boost it needs. While many small business owners realize the importance of owning a website to improve their marketing reach, public communication, and sales potential, many soon give up when they see the challenges ahead. In this article, we’ll reveal…

Best Website Builders for SEO

7 Best Website Builders for SEO (Based on 7 Crucial Factors)

17 Min Read

Imagine a fancy restaurant with a great infrastructure and a long menu list with different cuisines but no or very few customers because it’s located at a strange, hidden location where it barely gets any audience traction, and the restaurant does not have enough social media presence. Sounds like a lot of effort going to waste, right? The same is…

Website Planning

New Website Planning: The Absolute Necessary Steps, Tools, and Ideas

22 Min Read

In an online world, a website is every business’s most important marketing tool, allowing you to compete in a market consisting of the world’s 5.16 billion internet users. However, you need to take website planning seriously to make sure your website cuts through the noise and reaches your audience. Whether you’re new to building websites, or a seasoned web developer,…

Serve Static Assets With an Efficient Cache Policy

How to Serve Static Assets With an Efficient Cache Policy

15 Min Read

Websites like GTMetrix, and Google PageSpeed Insights provide suggestions on how to improve the performance of your website. If you are reading this, you are at least aware that every website has opportunities to improve performance, either through manual optimizations or through using plugins like 10Web Booster. In both tools, you may see a suggestion to serve static assets with…

Ensure Text Remains Visible During Webfont Load

How to Ensure Text Remains Visible During Webfont Load

25 Min Read

While running performance audits of our website on common tools such as Google PageSpeed insights, we often get some warnings. We usually ignore these warnings and don’t bother fixing them, and as a result, those warnings turn out to be harmful to UX (User Experience), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), website performance, and a bunch of other associated factors. In this…

Best Responsive Website Builders

16 Best Responsive Website Builders: Let’s Get Mobile-Friendly

20 Min Read

It’s no secret that having a mobile-friendly website is a must in today’s digital age. But building a mobile-friendly website can be a pain, especially if you’re not a coding wizard. Fortunately there are numerous website builders to help you create a professional-looking and user-friendly site without any technical know-how. In this article, we’ll explore some of the finest ones…

Best Website Builders for Small Businesses

12 Best Website Builders for Small Businesses to Save Time and Budget

22 Min Read

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, website builders for small businesses can be a lifeline for small enterprises that struggle to convert and retain customers through their online presence. Now more than ever, it is easier to spin up a website and publish it within hours, even without prior coding or website design knowledge.  Since every business has unique needs…

Minimize Main Thread Work

6 Tips to Minimize Main Thread Work on WordPress

17 Min Read

Are you looking for ways to improve the performance of your web application? A crucial step is to minimize main thread work when running performance tests since this is one of the recommendations of PageSpeed. On the client side, the performance of a webpage is often determined by how fast the browser processes and renders HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code…

10Web AI Assistant

Introducing the 10Web AI Writing Assistant: Ultimate AI SEO Solution for WordPress

26 Min Read

The era of generative AI is upon us. Anyone can now create unique text, images, video, audio, and computer code by simply indicating instructions to computer software.  Generative AI refers to all advanced machine learning models that can create unique and original content simply by using other content as input.  Generative AI is on the rise at an accelerated pace….

Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources

6 Practical Tips to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources on WordPress

23 Min Read

Optimizing a WordPress site requires a lot of effort. For a fast WordPress site, you’ll need to use a fast theme, optimized plugins, and a good host. However, Google PageSpeed Insights will ask you to eliminate render-blocking resources even after doing all these. As a WordPress site owner, you may need clarification. After all, you never had to eliminate render-blocking…

WordPress Optimization Plugins

WordPress Optimization Plugins: The Best for 2023

17 Min Read

WordPress optimization can be confusing for many website administrators, regardless, it is important to understand optimization techniques to run a successful website. Whether you are running a blog, eCommerce store or site to promote your small business, optimizing your WordPress setup is crucial for better performance, speed, and overall user experience. In this article, WordPress optimization refers to the process…