What’s New: User & Team Management & White Labeling of 10Web Builder

Green background with two windows, workspace dropdown.

Teamwork and collaboration are key components of seeing through a project to its completion. Even one man shows need to collaborate, at the least with the stage crew. Delegating work in a secure way and in a secure environment in the day of cyber everything, is quite the task of agencies and online businesses. As a collaborative platform, security, transparency, and of course, automation are at the top of our list at 10Web.

10Web Platform

User and Team Management

Whether you’re an agency with a large team or a freelancer with a single client who needs to approve the design changes, our User and Team Management feature automatically creates a workspace and allows you to collaborate on projects at the level of your need. Invite all types of users to your workspace, set the level of collaboration for each user, and complete projects quickly and more efficiently.

White label

As you grow your business, white labeling is a great opportunity for creating brand awareness and trust between you and your clients. Now the 10Web white labeling feature also includes the white labeling of the 10Web builder.


WordPress user creation

When using the User and Team management feature, depending on the permission level, members of your collaborative team have permission to make changes on websites hosted under your account. Now, when a member of your own workspace logs into the WordPress admin via the W icon on the corner of the website thumbnail, a WP user will be created with the user’s email. This will allow you to see who made which changes during the time of your collaboration.


Speeding up your website load time is something we continuously work to improve. For that reason we have added the WebP file format in the Speed optimizers general settings, bringing major improvement to the speed of your websites. This is a file format developed by Google, using both lossy and lossless compression, thus, allowing you to keep the quality of your images while having smaller size data.

WP admin dashboard General settings of the the 10Web speed optimizer


  • Improved option to Exclude Revolution Slider plugin
  • Major Improvement to backup service for hosted websites


  • Uncritical CSS’s Render Blocking Issue

10Web Builder

The 10Web builder based on Elementor is our drag and drop website editor to which we have added pro widgets. To help you determine which widgets are by 10Web, we have added the 10Web icon on the right corner of the widget thumbnail.

10Web Builder with page and widgets on the left side

Facebook button widget

Having a presence on social media may be an important aspect of your work. We have added a Facebook button widget. The widget will allow your visitors to like and share your website on their FB profile.

Facebook embed widget

With this widget you can embed FB posts, videos, and comments on your websites.

10Web builder page with facebook button and embed widgets

Gallery widget

We have made some improvements and additions to the gallery widget in order to better customize the look of your gallery and the user experience you want for your visitors and clients. Now the widget allows you to set the image size to contain, meaning that your entire image will show in the thumbnail box of the gallery instead of having it zoomed in within the thumbnail.
The next option added for better customization of your galleries is the option to set the vertical and horizontal gap size of your images independent of each other.

Form widget

We have added a new feature to our form widget. Now you can store form submissions in the website database and access them from the WP dashboard.


In the style section of widgets, now you can add background effects to your columns.

CTA widget

Now you can set the position of your CTA button.


  • Improved Slides Widgets
  • Improved Nav Menu Widgets

AI Builder

Continuous improvements, additions, and optimization to the AI builder allows our customers to work faster and more efficiently. We have optimized the AI builder for pages created with WIX for customers moving their WIX sites to WP and have fixed image loss issues on Squarespace pages.
Now the recreation of galleries is completely carried out by the 10Web Gallery widget.
We have adjusted the background width for boxed sections, enabled recreation of parallax effects for columns, and have set a better positioning for widgets inside the same inner column.


  • Layout recreation
  • Column width for multicolumn boxed sections
  • Calculation of columns margins
  • Calculation of boxed sections widths
  • Empty column sizes taking into account backgrounds
  • Intercolumn spaces
  • Background image position for Squarespace pages

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